Improving quality in childcare centres

Ms Yong erroneously claimed that extended maternity and childcare leave provisions will contribute to cost increases in childcare centres. We wish to point out that the extension of maternity leave by four weeks, and three of the four extra days of childcare leave, will be fully paid for by the Government for eligible employees. Hence, childcare centres will be able to employ additional staff using money they would otherwise have paid their regular teachers. Consequently, childcare centres should not use this as an excuse to raise fees.
The more important issue is quality. This requires teachers who have talent, reasonable grades, good training and character. There are no short cuts, and we should not shortchange our children. MCYS would like to clarify that the course leading to the certificate in pre-school teaching will continue to be offered for childcare personnel who wish to work with children in nursery and pre-nursery classes.
We note that many teachers in the childcare sector already have a diploma in pre-school education-teaching. Existing teachers who wish to upgrade their qualifications can do so on a part-time basis, even as they continue to work in a childcare centre. MCYS will work with centres to offer scholarships and bursaries for childcare personnel to pursue early childhood diploma and degree courses. MCYS will also ensure there are sufficient training places for existing and new teachers, on both a full- and part-time basis. The increased child care subsidies and Baby Bonus will more than offset any cost increases due to our efforts to enhance quality.
MCYS will process subsidy claims after centres provide us with enrolment data on a monthly basis. We encourage childcare centres to submit data promptly, so subsidies can be disbursed to centres without delay.
MCYS will continue to work closely with our industry partners to ensure high quality and affordable childcare services.
Lee Kim Hua Director,
Family Services Division
Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS)
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