date :Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:46 AM

subject: Childcare Name Needs Serious Makeover to Improve Image
"Childcare" Name Needs Serious Makeover to Improve Image
An Open Letter to Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, from the eyes of a happy preschool child :
"Dear Honourable Minister Sir,
I came to my childcare centre this morning with my Mum, under our usual gloomy monsoon January sky. But I was greeted with a shining wide smile from my Teacher Jen, who took my temperature to ensure that I am healthy, so that I do not accidentally bring the naughty HFMD virus with me into my class and spread it to my friends.
I had a hearty breakfast to start the day, patiently assisted by my teacher, because I am only 3 years old, you see, and I am still struggling to hold my spoon properly. I know my teacher is teaching me self-help skills that will be soimportant to me when I grow up.
In class today, another boy called me a name which I did not like. My teacher asked him politely to say sorry to me and in so doing, helped me build up my self-esteem, which Mum said is very important to me if I want to grow up to be a successful man, and not be bullied.
My teacher then read a wonderful story to me about the tortoise and the hare. It was so funny and I laughed out loud. Silly hare, to be sleeping before crossing the finishing line!
Teacher Jen gave us different colours to mix today and I now know where the orange colour comes from. I love painting and she gave me 3 extra sheets of blank whitepaper today to paint, while she sat on the side watching me. I know she is observing me. Maybe she wants to see how good I am with holding my paint brush so that she can find new things for me to do, scaffold me and in so doing, help me grow even more.
She also showered me today and calmly nudge me to sleep during my nap time. Sleeping is growing, she said.
In the afternoon, my Chinese teacher came to my class and told us another story in Chinese. I can only understand a bit of what she said but I know I will learn Chinese quickly because Teacher Jen said the first step to learning a new language is to listen first. Teacher Jen then brought us to play with blocks. This is my favourite part of the day because I can make a train with my blocks, or even build an aeroplane. I can imagine and dream big, she said.
Soon, it was time to go home, and yes, Mum fetched me,right on cue, as she said she would.
It was another happy day for me at my childcare centre.But wait a minute, why is it called "childcare"? With all the learnings I have gained today, I think all childcare centresshould be changed to "EduCare Centres" to show that I am being educated so well and cared for so lovingly by my Teacher Jen.
Maybe then, my Teacher Jen will not be mistaken as as a nanny anymore. She was my educator today, first and foremost, who also happened to care for me.
Please consider this change of name, Minister Sir, so that everyone in this early childhood education field can get their much overdue recognition. Afterall, am I not the future of this country and isn't the early childhood years crucial to my growth, development and success in my adult life?"
Yours playfully but seriously,
Liu Yi Dao, 3 years and 3 months old.
Reply from the Minister:
Dr Vivian Balakrishnan@mcys
to : glee
cc: NG Mie Ling@mcys
date: Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 10:11 AM
subject: Re: Childcare Name Needs Serious Makeover to Improve Image
Dear Mr Lee,
Thank you for the imaginative open letter and the suggestion on chaning the name.We will consult the other stakeholders in this sector. I am also mindful that the term "childcare" was not invented by us, but one that has evolved into common usage.
However, your more important point is that this is really about education rather than just child minding.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year.
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