Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Accelerated Diploma in ECE from MCYS..

This is the new Accelerated Diploma on ECE by MCYS, involving the shorter period of 700hrs of training, rather than the new 1200hrs.

This must be the best time for people to get into ECE ..with so much money being put in by the 'garmen'. Even those who might just want to try out ECE, and getting paid too! Know anyone? Pass this info along..the ECE field needs more committed professionals like us..

Contacts for more details are below: (btw, Poly Diploma or Degree is reqd for entry)

24 Mar 09
To : Child Care Centre Operator/ Supervisor

WSQ Professional Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education - Accelerated(PDECCE-Accelerated)

The Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) would like to thank all who had attended the briefing session held on 2 Mar 09 at the NTUC Auditorium Centre on the MCYS' Accelerated Conversion TrainingProgramme. Since the briefing, we have received many requests for furtherdetails on the accelerated programme.

2 MCYS has appointed RTRC Asia as the programme manager to conduct thePDECCE-Accelerated and to administer the disbursements from WDA. The first intake has been scheduled for May 2009 with an intake of 40. Trainee teachers would need to be employed by a child care centre prior to class commencement and will undergo 3 days of classroom learning (9 am to 5 pm)and 2 days of practicum at the child care centres per week. The course duration is approximately 12 months.

3 PDECCE-Accelerated comes under the auspices of the WDA's SkillsProgramme for Upgrading and Resilience or SPUR for short. As such, employers only have to pay $700 after 90% of funding from WDA. Participating childcare centres will receive a monthly stipend of 80% of the trainee teacher'sbasic salary, subject to a cap of $1,000. As the employer, the child care centre will be required to top up the balance of the trainee's salary.

4 A set of Frequently Asked Questions is attached for your reference. We will be uploading these onto our Child Care Link. For more information or clarification on the PDECCE-Accelerated course, please contact the representatives from RTRC, Asia, Ms Lydia Cheong at 6332-0685 or email or Ms Pauline Quek at 6332-0687 or email

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