Monday, May 11, 2009

My ECE Assignments : Preschool Admin and Management

"My ECE Assignment" series is meant to demystify ECE and make it a more pleasurable endeavour for those of us who are willing to commit to it :

Module: Preschool Administration and Management
Individual Assignment:
Staff Recruitment, Selection and Induction Plan

(A) Staff Recruitment and Selection Plan

Table of Content

1. Determine Actual Staff Requirement and Explain Shortfall
2. Recruitment : Tactical Plan and Timelines
a) Internal Broadcast to Staff
b) Advertisement
3. Interview and Selection Criteria
a) Academic Qualifications
b) Experience and Skill
4. Important Questions to Pose to Interviewees
5. Teaching Interview
6. Final Selection

(B) Staff Induction /Orientation Plan

1. Staff Orientation Objectives
2. 2-Day Orientation Program

(C) Job Description

1. Job Title
2. Responsible To
3. Duties and Responsibilities
4. Employment Contract and Terms

(A) Staff Recruitment and Selection Plan

1. Determine Actual Staff Requirement and Explain Shortfall
The need to determine the actual staff requirement must first be ascertained. What has caused this staff shortfall? Perhaps the shortfall is precipitated by a significant increase in student enrolment which therefore triggered the need for an additional teaching staff. The departure of an existing teacher may also be the reason for this staff shortfall.

The Supervisor should then size up this shortfall. Does the centre require 1 or 2 teaching staff? The answer to this will then determine the phrasing of the staff requirement when speaking to other staff members or when planning for an advertisement in the newspaper.

2. Recruitment : Tactical Plan and Timelines

The first part of the recruitment tactical plan is to broadcast internally to all staff members during the staff meeting of the need for a new teaching staff to be recruited. This move is prudent, not just because it saves money for the centre but new staff recruited through recommendations by existing staff has shown to be both competent and has longevity. In other words, they stay with the centre longer because they have people they already know within the centre.

The timeline for this broadcast to take effect is 3 working days.

After 3 days, if the internal broadcast is met with no responses, the next step of the recruitment plan is to advertise in the local newspaper (The Straits Times), which has a classified-section catering to teaching positions. These advertisements should be planned for Fridays and Saturdays for maximum impact and return, given that most teachers use these 2 days to search for alternative job postings.

The advertisement may be worded as follows:
“ Premier childcare centre in Serangoon seeks caring and dedicated English teacher. Must have min CPT but DPT preferred. Competitive salary package will be offered to the right candidate. Call 96677531 or email :

This advertisement will cost about $60 per run, but if required, it can be placed in a more attractive box-format for about $150 per run.

The timeline for this advertisement should be run over 2 weeks, with the Supervisor being available for interviews with suitable candidates on the days of the advertisement being placed, as well as the following Monday and Tuesdays.

3. Interview and Selection Criteria

The interviews will be held at the centre office. If an interviewee request for the venue to be outside of the centre due to confidentiality reasons, this request can be accommodated by holding the meeting somewhere in the neighbourhood mall, preferably inside a quiet coffee or beverage establishment.

The selection criteria will be based on the 2 dimensions of :
a) Must-haves :
i) Academic qualifications of either the CPT level or the DPT level.
ii) Experience in early childhood education of at least 2 years.

b) Skills and Attributes:
i) Additional years of service in the early childhood field, other than the minimum 2 years of experience.
ii) Projects undertaken by the interviewee over and above her regular duties.
iii) Initiatives shown by interviewee in previous employment : example, taking on additional assignments which are considered difficult by others.
iv) Commendation from previous employers.
v) Commendation from parents.

4. Important Questions to Pose to Interviewees

The following questions can be posed to the interviewees to determine fit and suitability of the interviewees for the role and for the centre, with the intent of recruiting the staff for the long term :

Q : What is your own personal philosophy on teaching, especially to preschool children?

Q : Many interviewees say that “passion for children” is the ingredient for a successful and long career in early childhood education. Do you agree and do you think there are other key ingredients missing to be successful?

Q : What was the most difficult moment or event that you have faced with children in your class, and how did you deal with it?

Q : What makes you the happiest at the end of a normal day in a centre?

Q : How did you manage a very difficult parent? Describe that situation to me.

Q : What aspects of teaching do you like the most, and the least?

Q : Are there certain duties of a preschool teacher assigned to you in your previous jobs that you dislike and that we should know about, before we decide to hire you?

Q. Where do you see yourself in 3 years time or 5 years time, career wise?

5. Teaching Interview

A teaching interview may be considered if the interviewer feels that it would add to the understanding of the candidate’s fit and suitability for the role.

The candidate is to be told of the rationale behind the teaching interview and to seek her agreement to this interview approach.

The candidate will be asked to deliver a lesson to an assigned class (preferably the class she will be teaching, if her application is successful) for about an hour. The Supervisor will observe her during this period to see how she delivers her lesson and how the children responded to her.

6. Final Selection

The final selection of the best candidate for the required staff role in our centre will depend on your views on these 5 questions, assuming that the minimum qualifications and experience are met :

i) Does the candidate have a bright and happy personality that children will appreciate?

ii) Will she be able to deal with parents effectively?

iii) Is she a team player and will help, without being asked to do so?

iv) Does her personal philosophy matches in some way with our centre’s own teaching philosophy?

v) Will we be able to cater to her ambitions in 3 to 5 years time?

If the views above are positive and that there are no showstoppers, that is, there is nothing about that candidate that makes you feel slightly uncomfortable, then a referral by the candidate should be followed up, for additional inputs as a final check on the candidate.

(B) Staff Induction /Orientation Plan

1. Staff Orientation Objectives:

The objectives of our Staff Orientation Program will be 3-fold :

Firstly, we aim to provide the best foundation possible for the new staff to acclimatize to her new environment in our centre. This will include familiarizing her to all the current staff members, the layout of the centre, and the processes and procedures that a teacher would go through in a typical day. This will enable the new staff to understand what is different, compared to her previous employers or roles, and thus, allowing for changes on her part.

Secondly, the new staff will be advised by the Supervisor of the organizational chart of the staff in the centre, the important dates upcoming in the next 6 months including PTCs, field trips or concert, the Employee Appraisal system in the centre and the key procedures that must be followed, such as the Lesson Plan submission dates. She will also be introduced to her mentor-teacher, who will be an existing teacher and whose role is to look after the new teacher’s needs over the next 4 weeks.

Thirdly and perhaps the most important of all, the new teacher will be introduced formally to her class students. She will be observing the children in her class whilst the stand-in teacher continues with her lessons for the next 2 days. This will give her time to have an initial assessment of the lessons done to-date and thus, allow her to continue where the stand-in teacher has left off.

By the end of this 2-day Orientation Program, the new teacher will have a good understanding of what is expected of her in her new role or in her new centre. She will know who to approach whenever she needs assistance, and she will be ready to take on her new class with confidence and deliver her best to her students.

New Staff Orientation : 2-Day Program:

Day 1:
Supervisor to introduce to all the staff, the physical environment and amenities of centre.
Proceed to office:
Collect staff manual (supervisor to provide an overview of the manual)
Collect job description (explain in detail)
Collect calendar of events
Supervisor to introduce to class students and the stand-in teacher.
New teacher to observe stand-in teacher and her class students, until end of the day.
New teacher to collect lesson plan, curriculum plans/portfolios/teaching materials/time table from stand-in teacher. Stand-in teacher to also share information on the children/parents with new teacher.
Supervisor to announce the appointment of the new teacher to all parents in the class students communications book, and the centre’s newsletter

Day 2:
Supervisor assigns and introduces the mentor teacher, who may be teaching the same grade level (preferred).
New teacher continues to observe the class, as the stand-in teacher delivers her lessons, and understands fully the requirements during various transition times including nap time, shower time and meal times.
Supervisor or stand-in teacher to introduce the new teacher to parents who arrive to deliver or to fetch their children home.
Stand-in teacher to do a wrap-up with the new teacher in the presence of the Supervisor and/or the mentor-teacher to ensure that the hand-over process and the orientation program elements as well as the objective are met.

(C) Job Description

1. Job Title :
English Class Teacher

2. Responsible To :
Centre Supervisor

3. Duties and Responsibilities :

3.1 Hygiene and Cleanliness
Health checks for fever, rashes and other signs of infectious diseases such as HFMD or chicken pox are required daily. This is will be scheduled by the Supervisor per the Teacher Timetable.

Cleanliness of the classroom is the responsibility of the class teacher, except for the floor and the shelves which will be cleaned by the centre’s cleaner daily.

Toileting and showering needs for the children are part of the daily duties of the teacher.

3.2 Attendance of Children
Attendance of the children are required to be noted down on the Children Attendance Sheet daily. This is an action needed, to meet MCYS requirements.

3.3 Safety
The safety of the children in the center is of paramount importance, and is the responsibility of the teacher for her class children.

3.4 Checking of Communications Book
Daily checking of the Communications Book is required to ensure that all written notes to and from parents are addressed with speed and clarity.

3.5 Learning Centres/Corners
All Learning Centres/Corners are assigned by the Supervisor to respective teachers for their upkeep and general cleanliness, apart from the floor areas which are cleaned by the centre cleaner.

3.6 Lesson Plans and Observations
Lesson Plans for the week are required to be submitted to the Supervisor by every Friday, for the following week. They will be assessed and commented by the Supervisor. Daily Reflections are required on the Lesson Plan Forms and also submitted to the Supervisor weekly for review.

3.7 Monthly Themes
Monthly Themes are to be reflected on the Theme Boards of each class to reinforce the learnings for the children. This monthly setup of the theme board is the responsibility of the class teacher including any specific assignments by the Supervisor.

3.9 Field Trips
Field Trips are organized every 6-8 weeks periods. The Supervisor will lead the organizing of the Field Trips and will be assisted by all teachers. The Supervisor may assigned some of the responsibilities to organize the Field to a teacher or several teachers, as required or as part of the teacher’s own development.

3.10 Portfolios
Portfolios are monthly compilations of the children’s work samples and photos to show development of a child’s milestones. This Portfolio will be given out to the parents monthly.

3.11 PTC
PTCs are carried out twice in year, usually during the months of May and November. Teachers are required to prepare for this important session with the children’s parents. The schedule for the PTC will be assigned by the Supervisor.

3.12 Concert
The annual Concert is organized by the teachers, with the centre Supervisor providing the leadership. Teachers are required to engaged the children fully and creatively during the Concert, and to wholeheartedly participate in it, as dictated by the schedule of the Concert.

3.13 Staff Training
Staff training is a crucial part of staff development and growth in our centre. The teacher will be required to participate in it fully and with dedication, when these trainings involved her.

3.14 Teamwork
Teamwork is expected of every teacher in the centre. Teachers are expected to display initiative to help other teachers, without being asked to do so. This is an important component of the culture of our centre.

3.15 Parent-Teacher Rapport
Teachers are required to establish a cordial and warm relationship with parents of the children in their class, throughout the school year. The Supervisor is always available for the initial introduction to parents, if required.

3.16 Teachers as Role Models
Teachers are required to be role-models in the centre. This is important to ensure that children do not observe behaviours by teachers that are less than exemplary.

4. Employment Contract and Terms:

Employment at the Centre is based on the terms as set out in the Letter-of-Offer. Amongst other terms, salary review will be done once a year for all staff in December. The performance of the teacher will be assessed annually by the Supervisor, and will form the basis for any increments in the salary of the teacher in the following year.

Termination of service will be by formal notice of a letter or email addressed to the Supervisor, and it will require 30-days of the notice period to be served by the teacher. Immediate termination of your service by the centre will be initiated when a teacher falls below the expectations of the standards required in the centre, after a prior warning note is issued. In such a case, the termination will take effect within 24 hours and the teacher will be paid till that day.

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