Friday, November 21, 2008

ST Forum: "Teachers make or break a child's future.."

2 articles in today's ST Forum of interest to us..

'Take up teaching only if you are passionate about your cause as a 'surrogate' parent.'


'I refer to Mr Ho Kong Loon's letter, 'How should teachers today behave on their own time?' (Nov 8). Take up teaching only if you are passionate about your cause as a 'surrogate' parent, to nurture and guide your wards to be responsible and caring citizens. In pre-primary and primary schools, teachers are often able to break or make a child's future.'

Yes they can : 'The childcare subsidy is available to a mother on full-time study.'

MR LEE KIM HUA, Director, Family Services Division, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports:

'We refer to last Saturday's letter by Mr Nguyen Quang Yu, 'Childcare subsidies'. Mr Nguyen was told by a childcare centre that he and his wife were not entitled to the childcare subsidy of $300 as his wife was a full-time student and not a working mother. Mr Nguyen has appealed to the Government to consider granting full-time student mothers the same subsidy. We wish to clarify that, under current policy, the childcare subsidy is available to a mother on full-time study.

Mr Nguyen may not have received the correct advice from the childcare centre. Mr Nguyen should submit documentary proof of Mrs Nguyen's enrolment in the full-time course at Singapore Polytechnic to support her application for the full childcare subsidy. We invite Mr Nguyen to contact our toll-free information line on 1800-2585812 if he has further queries.'

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