Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ST Forum : "Govt recognises role of preschool teachers"

MCYS replies to article posted here last week:

Govt recognises role of preschool teachers
02Dec08, ST Forum

I REFER to Mr How Weng Kong's letter last Thursday, 'Preschool teachers do so much: Parent'
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Mr How suggested that the Government help to raise the salaries of pre-school teachers and provide additional financial assistance to enable childcare centres to employ more support staff.

The Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports recognises the important role played by preschool teachers in the development of young children and has been working with the Ministry of Education to progressively raise the academic and professional qualification requirements of preschool personnel.

However, the Government does not determine the salaries of preschool teachers, as they are employed by childcare centres which are business entities. Nevertheless, the higher qualification requirements for preschool teachers should help to raise teacher salaries.

The childcare subsidy has also been increased since Aug 17 to enable childcare centres to pay higher salaries to teachers, while maintaining the affordability of childcare services for parents.

Further, the Government will grant bursaries and scholarships to preschool personnel who wish to upgrade themselves. These measures should translate to better remuneration and recognition for preschool teachers.

We thank Mr How for his comments and feedback.

Lee Kim Hua
Director Family Services Division
Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports

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