Sunday, December 28, 2008

You Gave a "Starbucks Moment"!

to: Philip Koh
cc: "Nanthini. v" ,"Alfred Pang"
date: Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 9:05 PM

subject: You Gave a "Starbucks Moment"!

Dear Philip,

At a time when my view of the ECE course that I am currently undertaking at NIM had been severely fractured by questionable teaching styles and rudderless assignments, you came along and gave me, in your own words, a "Starbucks Moment" today.

For the first time, I could sense that the entire class under your tutelage was truly enjoying ourselves, with unqualified vigour and zest.

Your teaching method was a breath of fresh air, and your assignments were (are) relevant to our wish to begood early childhood education practitioners, when we graduate. You made us think of new ways to reach outto the children through the often all-too-serious subjects of Science and Math, but more importantly, you made us want to learn more, explore more. That, in itself, is saying a lot, given your adult audience.

Once again, I thank you for giving me my "Starbucks Moment" and helping me to regain my belief in NIM. I look forward to more of your "IMPACT", and I am sure there are many, if not all, in our class who share similar sentiments.

George Lee

Philip, you gave us laughter and inspiration in your class, as richly shown in these 2 video clips here..
Happy New Year, Teacher Philip!

(and thanks, teachers for sharing)

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